Myweblogin Knowledge Base

Delete a Product


A product can be deleted in two ways 

  1. Click on the PRODUCTS >> Choose VIEW PRODUCTS from the dropdown >> Product catalogue page opens.

    Click on the relevant category in the left hand side menu or use the Sort option on top of the right had side and all the products in that category will be displyed on right hand side.

    Click on the bin icon below the product thumbnail you want to delete. Pls. note that if a product is in two categories clicking on the bin icon will delete it from both the categories.

    In case you want to delete the product from only one category pls. click on the product thumbnail>> Modify Product>> Under categories heading click on the cross next to the category dropdown>> Click save down the bottom.


  2. Click on Home tab in blue bar >> Surf to the category >> click on the product to be Deleted >> click on the Delete (red button).

    The product will be deleted from all the categories it appears under.

Added: 2012-3-13 and last modified: 2018-10-18
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