Creating an email request form for a downloadable document
You may have a whitepaper or other document that you want to make available for customers online, But you want to capture the customer�s name and contact details before they download the form.
You can do this easily using the My Weblogin Forms Module.
There are a couple of steps involved in creating a form and creating both the page the form will be filled in from and the page the customer will download the article from.
1) Add a new page to your website
Start by adding a new web page to your site. This page should NOT have a section where the menu is automatically added.
If you have a blank Section Template use this, otherwise you may wish to create a new section template and use this.
2) Upload the file to the Files Manager in My Weblogin
If your article is a PDF or other type of document add this to the files Manager for linking on your site.
3) Add another webpage to your website
Add another web page to your site using the same blank Section Template. The on this page add a heading such as:
Thank You � Please download the XYZ Article
Then add the link to the page on this page.
4) Go to the Forms Module and check / change the Forms Settings.
Click the Widgets Menu and then choose Forms Module
In the left hand menu, click the option Settings
Make sure the box Allow Page Redirection is selected
Click Save Changes
5) Copy the form from the text box below
Copy the code from the text box below, this is the start of your form for the customer to complete.
6) Add a new form to the Module
Click the Add New Form menu option in the left hand menu
In the Form Name field add in a descriptive name for your form, this is just so you know which form this is for later on down the track.
7) Choose the Page with your article from your site list
Click the Choose Redirect URL icon and choose the second page you added, the one with the link to the article.
8) Paste the code into the forms field
You next need to paste the code into the forms field.
If you have the rich text editor on, you will need to change the editor to HTML by clicking the Toggle Code Icon.
If you only see a blank form field you can copy the code directly into the field.
9) Save the form and get the form code
Save the form and then click the Finish button.
You will see a list of your forms (or only one form if there is only one).
At the right of the row you will see a code that looks like below:
You will need to insert this into your webpage where you would like the form to be.
10) Insert the code into your webpage
Go to the page you created in step one and click the Edit Content Icon.
Then paste the code into the page and save the page
You will see the blue Form icon in the page indicating that there is an embedded form.
11) Publish your changes
Publish the changes to your website so they are live
12) Test the Form
Go to your live website and surf to the page you created and you will be able to see the form:
Enter your details and test the form and make sure that the user is taken to the correct page and you can download the form.
At any time you can go back to either web page, or the forms module and edit the text.
When a customer completes the form an email is sent to you telling you the document has been downloaded with the customer�s details and the customer will be able to download the form.
Added: 2012-3-18 and last modified: 2018-10-22