Your website can send email notifications to users at specific events, these are triggered either by you changing the status to an order or the customer joining your website.
In addition you can add additional text to the checkout page if you need to have more explicit delivery information.
The following explains the emails, when they are triggered and what the content can or should contain. All emails are sent a HTML and use the Mail Template that gets sent with your orders, so will generally have your logo, contact details and ABN.
These emails can either be textual or you can design these emails with images and hyperlinks to other webpages.
These emails & site notifications can be found under Settings :: Email & Site Notificiations
*Note: not all features available for all package types.
The delivery text is an additional block of text which can be displayed on the checkout page above the Special Delivery Instructions. This is option text which can reiterate any delivery terms & conditions that you may want to include here.
It’s recommended that only a small amount of text is include here and it’s purely optional.
When you change the status of an order to Delivered an email may be triggered to the customer. This email serves to tell a customer who purchased flowers that the order has been delivered to the customer.
However if your workflow marks an order as delivered as soon as you have sent the order, you may want to change the subject and content
Types of content to include here are:
To turn this feature on:
When you change the status of an order to On Route an email may be triggered to the customer. This email serves to tell a customer who purchased flowers that the order has been given to the driver or courier and is on it’s way to the customer.
Some florists make this the end of the workflow and the email is similar to the delivered message.
Types of content to include here are:
To turn this feature on:
When you change the status of an order to Printed an email may be triggered to the customer. This email serves to tell a customer who purchased flowers that the order has been printed and is being created.
Types of content to include here are:
To turn this feature on:
You have the ability to email an order to another florist so they can create the order for you.
This email sends a cut down version of the orde details with:
The text you can add goes at the top of the email and can be anything you would like. For example you may include a message about calling you if they cannot make / deliver the order. Or a generic substitution policy for items etc.
When a customer joins your website as a member either through the checkout process by entering a password in the form or on the members signup page, they are sent a welcome email.
The purpose of the welcome email is a confirmation to the customer that they have joined your site.
You may also use this as a place to write details about your store, service and products.
It’s also useful in this email to link to your Privacy Statement so they know what you do with their personal information and also the Terms & Conditions of the websites.
You can also tell them that they can by logging in to your website:
*This is only available in Premium & Above Packages
Added: 2016-11-09 and last modified: 2018-11-06